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March 17, 2022

Medical Malpractice Insurance Benefits

Healthcare professionals can benefit from carrying medical malpractice insurance. It can provide essential coverages and afford you and your patients peace of mind. In some states, having medical malpractice insurance may be required by law. The team of professionals at Paris Kirwan Associates, Inc. is ready to help you secure the insurance you need. Contact us […]
February 25, 2022

What Is the Difference Between General Liability and Professional Liability?

Despite what some may think, professional liability and general liability coverage are not the same. These two insurance policies cover completely different areas of liability for your business. Keep reading to learn more. Key Differences General liability coverage can protect your business against the resulting expenses if you are held responsible for injuring a third […]
February 2, 2022

Aviation Insurance: Aircraft Hull and Liability Coverage

Since flying is considered a high-risk activity, it’s imperative to obtain comprehensive insurance coverage to protect an aircraft and its occupants.  What is Aircraft Hull and Liability Coverage?  A basic aircraft hull and liability insurance policy protects against physical loss or damage risks, such as the following:  Physical damage  Passengers, baggage and cargo carried on […]
October 20, 2021

Keeping Your Commercial Auto Insurance Costs Affordable

Businesses that own or operate vehicles need commercial auto insurance
October 1, 2021

How to Put Out a Grease Fire

In honor of Fire Prevention Week from October 3rd through the 9th let’s talk about a common household hazard, the grease fire. Even seasoned cooks may find themselves in sticky situations with grease. Grease fires are one of the hardest to put out, here are the best ways to attempt to put one out.  1) […]
September 30, 2021

US Treasury Departments New Actions Against Ransomware

We stress the need for cyber protection a lot here at Paris Kirwan. But we seriously mean it! While writing and gathering information for this blog, my news feed is packed with new articles regarding cyberattacks and safety. It seems every time I refresh my page a new article has been posted.   Businesses are […]
September 14, 2021

How Home Insurance Protects Property Away From Home

Most homeowners understand the coverage they have for personal property inside their homes, but may have not even considered the impact on insurance when the property is somewhere else. It is important to understand how home insurance protects property away from home. Property in Storage May Not Be Adequately Covered If you are downsizing to […]
September 10, 2021

Top 5 Risks Small Businesses Face

All businesses face risks, and having solid risk management in place can help you protect your business in any event. Small businesses may find it harder to mitigate risk as they feel having good risk management costs money in the form of an employee or high-level consultant. Before jumping into hiring a risk manager here […]
August 18, 2021

The kids moved out, are they covered under my insurance?

The kids are off to college, whether in a dorm or renting an apartment you may wonder if their personal property is covered under your insurance. To make this an easy guide we broke it into three parts.  If they live in a dorm: Their property is covered by your homeowner’s policy. If they live […]
August 13, 2021

Do crime rates affect insurance rates?

With news of an uptick in violence across the country, we wondered, does crime affect insurance rates? We asked our internal experts, and the simple answer is yes, and here is how. Auto Insurance When calculating your auto rates, insurance takes in several factors, some of which are considered “non-driving” factors. These are factors such […]

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