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Home » The kids moved out, are they covered under my insurance?
August 18, 2021

The kids moved out, are they covered under my insurance?

The kids are off to college, whether in a dorm or renting an apartment you may wonder if their personal property is covered under your insurance. To make this an easy guide we broke it into three parts. 

If they live in a dorm:

Their property is covered by your homeowner’s policy.

If they live in an apartment under your name:

Their property is covered by your homeowners policy. You should add the address to your policy for liability reasons. 

If they live in an apartment under their name:

They need to purchase a renters policy under their name. Even if your child is bringing very little into their first apartment we suggest purchasing a renter policy. Along with the coverage for possessions, renters insurance also provides personal liability for when unexpected happens. 

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