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Home » 4 Tips for Safe Remote Work
July 8, 2021

4 Tips for Safe Remote Work

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Although work from home was a necessity during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, it seems to be a new normal for the workforce with many companies choosing to keep remote options. A Gartner survey reports that 80% of companies plan on allowing their employees to work remotely at least part-time, 47% will allow employees to work remotely full time. It seems that company leaders are listening to their employees; according to a FlexJobs survey, 96% of employees desired some sort of remote work option. 81% of employees stated they would be more ‘loyal to their employer’ if they were given flexible work options. 

While not everyone is on board with working from home, remote work has shown to increase productivity, nurture better mental health, increases job satisfaction, and attracts and retains talent. Is your business offering your employees a permanent full-time or hybrid work from home option? If so you need to take your companies cybersecurity into account.


1) Reassess your Risk

Some key things to evaluate might include:

  • Weak password requirements
  • Workers using personal devices that are not properly protected
  • Remote workers sharing devices with family and friends
  • Employees using outdated software

These vulnerabilities may have been covered when your employees were on-site, but you will need to re-assess them with your remote workforce.


2) Install Firewalls and Other Protections on All Devices 

The Antivirus Software Guide has ranked ten of the best free antivirus platforms available in 2020. Microsoft features its own free antivirus, Windows Security, available for Windows 10 users. It is important to update your antivirus to ensure it is working at its full potential. 


3) Multifactor Authentication

Multifactor Authentication requires two or more “tests” before access is granted. These usually consist of a password and a notification on a cellphone to allow access. 


4) Call Us!

Cyber Insurance can help protect against cybercrime costs. General liability policies do not cover cyber breeches, a cyber policy will cover legal fees and expenses. It also helps with:

  • Notifying customers about a data breach
  • Restoring personal identities of affected customers
  • Recovering compromised data
  • Repairing damaged computer systems

Categories: Blog, Business Insurance, Home Insurance

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