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Home » Why Pilots Need Professional Liability Insurance
December 29, 2020

Why Pilots Need Professional Liability Insurance

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The aviation industry isn’t one that leaves a lot of room for error. After all, whether you are a pilot, engineer, ground service team member or other link in the supply chain, the effects of your work could lead to deadly consequences. That’s why you are expected to always make choices based on responsible, practical decisions based on all the evidence.

Still, even the best laid plans could go wrong, and at times, you could inadvertently make professional mistakes that cause someone else a loss. However, these might be a lot more than just bodily injuries or property damage that would be covered by your existing liability insurance. As a result, you will likely need further coverage provided by aviation professional service insurance.

APS coverage is a form of professional liability insurance that will allow you to take responsibility for situations where your services cause others a financial loss. Here’s how it works.

What is Aviation Professional Liability Insurance?

The aviation industry is about more than just flying the friendly skies. At times, pilots and other professionals will be tasked with making decisions that keep the industry functioning smoothly. For example:

  • Engineers might design airport ramps or develop aerodynamic plans for new aircraft 

  • Air traffic control experts could help airlines plan schedules and manage flight movement.  

  • Pilots might be tasked with inspecting a plane that is going to be sold and noting what repairs need to be made. 

If, during tasks like these, you make a mistake, then that mistake might have a trickle-down effect. An airport with an improper layout might face significant delays. A plane that your company sold, but that had maintenance issues, might wind up costing the new owner a lot of money in repair bills and lost flight time, and it certainly could lead to worse.

In cases like these, your professional guidance was what caused someone else to experience a financial loss. As a result, they might blame you, demand compensation or even sue you. You will need assistance picking up the pieces. Even if you didn’t intentionally make these mistakes, you still will have to respond to them, and aviation professional services insurance will help you do so.

Aviation professional services insurance will help you repay those affected by your mistakes without having to put your own business’s financial sustainability on the line. It can cover both the costs of remittance and any legal fees that might arise as a result of a lawsuit.

Still, there are other liabilities that this coverage will not insure, such as third-party property damage or injuries, or breach of contracts. Therefore, you will still need several other types of liability insurance to make your aviation business truly secure.

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