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Home » 5 Reasons You Need Renters Insurance
May 20, 2021

5 Reasons You Need Renters Insurance

1) Landlord’s insurance won’t cover you

This may come as a shock to some people, but your landlord’s insurance policy will not cover your personal property in the event of a loss. Your landlord’s insurance only covers the building you live in, not the content inside.

girl sitting on floor unwrapping lamp

2) Renters can pay for housing after a major claim

If a claim makes your current housing uninhabitable, turn to your renter’s insurance, it may be able to help. Most renter’s policies cover housing 

expenses after a claim including, temporary housing, food, and other expenses.

3) It can cover belongings while you travel

Many renter’s policies will cover contents that are away from your home. In the event of a theft or loss while on a trip or even just out in town, you may be able to get help to replace it.

4) It’s affordable

Renter’s policies are very inexpensive but offer good coverage. Bundling your renters and auto may provide more discounts.

5) It includes liability coverage

Liability is standard coverage on any renter’s policy. This will cover you if someone is injured while at your home. Many people assume if a guest is hurt while at your rental home they would be covered by your landlord, but in fact, it would be something your renters would cover.

Categories: Home Insurance

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