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Home » How to Protect Your Business’s Structure from Storm Damage
October 20, 2020

How to Protect Your Business’s Structure from Storm Damage

A flooded office building

Storms can damage any type of structure. If you own a commercial building of any type, you need to do the same thing you would do at home to protect the building. Your business insurance may offer financial protection for the structural damage it incurs. However, this only applies in situations where normal wear and tear is not at play. In other words, you need to keep the building in good condition. Here are a few ways you can do that.

Examine the Exterior Roof and Siding

Depending on the size and style of building you have, it may be important for you to inspect the exterior for signs of risks. Here are a few key examples common on commercial buildings:

  • Look for roof damage. Flat roofs may not seem like they are at risk. However, materials including flashing can still blow off. For angled roofs, check for loose shingles or tiles.
  • Be sure all structures on the roof are secure. Wind can create a significant amount of risk here.
  • Look for signs of water leaks both inside and outside of the structure. Pooling water on a flat roof is a concern here.
  • Look for areas where wind can blow off the siding. Small gaps are all it takes for this to happen.
  • Consider whether guttering systems are safe and secure.

Look at the Landscaping

Many times, it is the trees and larger bushes on a property that are most at risk for damage during a storm. Look for areas where the landscaping is loose and can pull up in a wind event. You also want to be sure there’s nothing touching the sides of the building. Tree branches or even those from large shrubs can damage the siding or the rooftop. Also, cut back anything that’s dead, especially branches from larger trees.

Secure Signage, Too

Do not overlook the importance of protecting signs and other structures on your property. For example, exposed electrical on a sign can put it at a higher risk of damage during a storm. You also want to be sure anything like this is secure in the ground.

Taking these steps every month can help to keep your property safe from the worst of storm damage. If an event does occur, your business insurance may offer financial protection. It can help to recoup the damage especially if you maintain the structure now.

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